Friday, January 1, 2021



The UPDATE Statement is used for change data in table . 

Solve : 

select * from employee

# id,  first_name, last_name ,  phone          email
    '1',       'A',              'K',         '94XXXX',   ''
    '3',       'D',              'L',         '96XXXX',   ''

Now I want to update phone no  

update employee set phone='9643939373' where id=1 ;

select * from employee

# id,  first_name, last_name ,   phone                 email
    '1',       'A',              'K',         '9643939373',   ''
    '3',       'D',              'L',         '96XXXX',          ''

update employee set phone='9999373737' where id=3 ;

select * from employee

# id,  first_name, last_name ,   phone                 email
    '1',       'A',              'K',         '9643939373'    ''
    '3',       'D',              'L',         '9999373737'    ''

We are finally update phone no in  employee table.

Now we are update multiple column  first_name & last_name.

 update employee set first_name='Tom',last_name='Petter' where id=3 ;

select * from employee

# id,  first_name, last_name ,   phone                 email
    '1',       'A',              'K',         '9643939373'    ''
    '3',       'Tom',          Petter,   '9999373737'    ''

Now we are use  update join 

add new column 

alter table employee add dept_id int  ;

# id,  first_name, last_name ,   phone                 email                 dept_id
    '1',       'A',              'K',         '9643939373'    ''      Null
    '3',       'Tom',          Petter,   '9999373737'    ''       Null

select * from dept ;

#ID  emp_id Dept_Name

  1        1           IT

  2       2           A/C

update  employee e inner join dept t  on  e.ID=t.ID   set e.dept_id=t.ID where ;

# id,  first_name, last_name ,   phone                 email                 dept_id
    '1',       'A',              'K',         '9643939373'    ''      1
    '3',       'Tom',       Petter,   '9999373737'    ''       Null 

update  employee e inner join dept t  on  e.ID=t.ID   set e.dept_id=t.ID where

# id,  first_name, last_name ,   phone                 email                 dept_id
    '1',       'A',              'K',         '9643939373'    ''      1
    '3',       'Tom',       Petter,   '9999373737'    ''       3 

Real world example

update  test.1day_daily_summary  inner join STATION s
on s.STATION_NAME=a.location 
set a.datestationid=concat(date_format(a.datadate, '%Y%m%d'),a.Station_id)
where s.STATION_NAME=a.location and a.tehsil=s.TEHSIL and a.district=s.DISTRICT  and a.Station_id=s.STATION_ID;

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